Program Overview

2024 Next level LEague
League Dates: Saturdays -
March 30th
April 6th
April 27th
Season-ending championship tournament weekend will be May 18-19.
The 2024 Spring Next Level League is being established for developmental level teams only.
Teams that are capable of regularly competing in local tournaments would not be interested in the level of competition that this league will provide.
This is meant for teams that need to get a significant number of the games that they will play in the Spring of 2024 against similarly capable teams.
Teams will play two games on each Saturday of the first three league weekends, and then 2-4 games over the Saturday and Sunday of the league ending championship tournament weekend. 8-10 games total, $750 per team.
Games will be played at Elite Sports in Preston, Pacific Courts in Newcastle, Renton HS, and Emerald City in Kent, and area gyms to be determined.
Please have your teams registered and paid for online by the March 15th registration deadline.
League Saturdays, March 30th, April 6th, April 27th, and the season ending championship tournament weekend will be May 18-19.